Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Should I care? 2

Now, we shall continue our discussion on this short statement, "should I care? "
In the last volume, we used the scenario of a bus conductor, a mad man and so on.

Today, new area of scenarios would be considered.

Let's say you are in your room as a student or an adult admist other adults. Now as students, you share rooms in your various hostels. Imagine you reading in your room and your room mates started disturbing in the sense that, they started saying you read too much, is it only you? and the likes. You don't need to start fighting with them or disturbing you. Just walk out and find a suitable place for yourself. You know, people say "an idle hand is the devil's workshop".

Here is another scenario. You are in an exam hall, and the invigilator started shouting, scaring people who wish to cheat, or just proofing tough guy. As far as you are not cheating and not willing to, you shouldn't care or give the invigilator attitude because of his behavior to the extent that he or she would notice you. Just face your work peacefully.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Let success make the noise

Here are few things to note in life.
Work hard, be diligent and let success make the noise.

Suffer all you can now, (only if the suffering is worth it) so you can enjoy later

Follow your passion, prosperity awaits

Don't follow the crowd, don't try to imitate people in every way, be original.

Your creativity is a product of your thinking and imagination, people know who you are by what you do. It's not what you are underneath that defines you, but what you do and people see.

Don't chase after money, be diligent, money will find you.

Be the master of your own work, don't copy others. Look at their work, then formulate your own idea.

Silent money is good even better. But don't become a fraud.

Be your own master, be original, be creative, be diligent, be good and honest. Dishonest people don't always have happy endings.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Water as supporter of life

Water is a very useful component of our ecosystem. In physics, it's called water. Chemists call us H2O, water as well. In short, everyone knows water, everyone needs water to survive. Human beings cannot survive without water for too long unlike some animals.

For humans,
Without water, there can't be cooking, you go hungry.
Without water, there can't be bathing.
Without water, there can't be washing.

Without water, there can't be digestion.
Without water, dehydration occurs in us.
Without water, your Central Nervous System won't work well.
When there's no water, saliva formation in the mouth gets reduced.
Without water, there will be thirst.
When there's no water, there can't be reproduction.
Without water, no blood formation.

The fact is, without water, we can't survive, that's why some people die in desserts due to lack of water which in turn leads to dehydration.

Most animals share these features with humans. But still, done animals can survive for so long without water.

Diversities in Uniqueness

Do you even know what uniqueness means? Let's start from that.

Uniqueness means being the only one of its kind. It means the quality of being particularly remarkable, special or unusual.

It is a state or condition whereby someone or something is unlike anything else in comparison.

This says you don't need to copy anyone before you get noticed. No need to follow others like a servant before people know you too.

You don't need to start forcing yourself on people, trying hard to make friends as much as possible, forcing yourself on people as a friend. All these are if no use.

Be your own self, be original, don't be a fake. Live your own life. Love on your own rules but don't be above the law anywhere you are.

Learn to make people follow you and not follow people blindly. Babe yourself unique among others, only by being better than those around you.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Only the Conscious Mind knows

The sky is blue
The sky is wonderful
It is His work
He is in charge
He creates something from nothing
For He is great.

Vegetation are green
No need to preen
He beauty of green
Is not hidden
It is His work
He is in charge
He creates something from nothing
For He is great

Rain is colourless
It is not valueless
It contains impurities
But still signifies purity
It is His work
He is in charge
He creates the way He likes
For He is great

The earth surface
Is flat and sloppy
With different structures
And diverse textures
The absence of land
Is absence of food
One needs the other to survive
He is the creator
He is in charge
He is Great

The End Time Is Here (signs)

Gone are the days

 When people believe

In the absolute sovereignty of God;

Gone are the days,

 When religious leaders

Spoke the bitter truth;

Gone are the days

When they corrected the ills

And sores of a decadent society;

Gone are the days

 When they won souls

 For the most high God;

Gone are the days

When the royal lineage fought

For the rights of their community;

Gone are the days

When crowns loved their proud hometown;

Gone are the days

When the elected put interest

Of electorates first;

Gone are the days

When political leaders used their various offices

To improve the standard of living of the electorates;

Gone are the days

When politicians didn’t price out

People’s conscience;

Friday, 13 January 2017

For those hurt by love, this is for you: ''Drenched with no smiles"

Hmm, youths of nowadays no longer use poems like people of those days. Instead, they use other means to find love. For those who have been in one way or the other hurt by love, this poem is for you... 
'' I wonder why I'm drenched
in my tears just because of love;

I wonder why I refused to keep the smiles
just because of love;

The tears
the non-appearance of joyful smiles
are all pains

The pains of love left in me by a lost love
are regrettably unforgettable.

When will it be?
when your picture will cease 
to have effect on my emotions
When will I meet a beauty like you?
with outstanding character
and cherishable qualities

why these pains?
Is it due to your beauty?
coupled with morals?

A great spirit of connection
I beseech thee
to let me go!''


I’ve often heard in life that we are all products of influence,
A product of what the society makes us.
Then I thought it wasn’t impossible to be different from others,
To think in deviation to how others think, even though it’s weird.

Vose Populi says; let them say!
‘’I’m entitled or responsible for my thoughts, decisions and actions
But not responsible for how you understand them (others).

When people abuse or criticize you for the way you think,
Don’t blame them too much, they just don’t see things from your own perspective.

You are not perfect, no one is; so minimize how, when and why you judge others.

Walking with those smaller than you is not a sin,
But walking with those who won’t contribute a quota to your development is.

More to come…
Article by: Abdulafeez Ademola

Thursday, 12 January 2017

A moving poem: Just like Yesterday

In a twinkle
Yesterday is gone
Just like a flash
From a sudden contact
Of sun and mirror.

Yesterday is gone
Like it never existed
Like we never spent it
Like a drop of water
On the tongue of a thirsty tongue

Yesterday is gone
Reflections set in
Memoirs at yester-years
Pouring out in bits
Like a drizzle

Yesterday is gone
Oh! I wish…
But it’s all gone
To be seen no more

Yesterday is gone
Hold on to tomorrow 
Tomorrow comes soon
Not with a moment pause
The future beckons

Poem credit: Abdulafeez Ademola

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Sam Gee: A life without money is a waste

Yeah. I said it, "a life without money is a waste''.
let's begin by imagining the following things:

1.  You woke up in the morning and discovered you have no cash in your pockets;

2.  You went to a party where your friends spent cash as if they play with papers and you on the other hand, had nothing to play with;

3.  You were in a program in a church, mosque or any other ceremony, plates were being passed round the table for money donation with eyes on everyone. on getting to your seat, you had nothing to offer;

4.   As a senior student, your junior ones in school who respect you very much have asked your for financial help for more than three times and you still have nothing to offer;

5.  .  As a husband, you can't remember the last time you gave your wife money, the last time you paid your children's school fees, the last time you bought biscuits for your children, in short, you can't even remember the last time you made enough provision for your family;

6.  As a wife, if your husband don't give you money, you have nothing;

7.  As a student, if your parent don't send you money for a week, you are always brok

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Must Read: Sex as a Covenant

Sexual intercourse has been ordained by God as a covenant between a man and a woman, but even still, youth of nowadays go into it as if it is a perfect market (economists would understand better).  But the thing is, sex has it's supernatural side.

But do you understand what covenant is?

A covenant is a pact or binding agreement between two parties. Also, it is an agreement to a deed or contract.
Now let's relate this to sex.

Sexual intercourse goes beyond fun and enjoyment. It is an act that brings people together in covenant. When a sexual intercourse happens between a man and a lady who is a virgin, blood is shed, which signifies a bond between the man and the virgin lady.
Normally and naturally, this bond is a bond of marriage which means the lady must marry the man.

But nowadays, virginity among ladies is like a loss of opportunities and waste of youthful pleasure. This is wrong.

Virginity serves as a pride for a lady. It command respect. It brings honor to the lady as a youth and even in the matrimonial home.

Should I care? (Volume 1)

In our daily life, some things may happen, a situation may arise which may also bring up these questions, "should I care?", "who cares?", etc.

But let's be real and sincere. Let's say for example, you re walking along the road one day and a mad man pass by you. Remember, I said "mad man", and he started abusing you and your mother or father. One question should come to your mind, should I care?"

Immediately you started dragging the issue with the mad man, my friend u've already become one. The thing is, don't care.

Here is another scenario, you are on a traffic bus and the conductor started abusing you, your parent, or loved ones; as a responsible, literate and wise person, it is advisable to ignore the abusive words of the conductor. These are some reasons for that:

 "empty barrels make noises while the full ones sounds cool"

"when you fight with a pig, it makes you dirty"

Some people would rather say, "I will show him I'm not an easy person", or "I will show him I know the exact replies for the right words"

Friday, 6 January 2017

8 benefits of sex for couples

Sex which is referred to as an intercourse between opposite sex has various benefits which are unknown to most people. Apart from the pleasure derived from sex, let's talk about some of other benefits it has.

For Couples:

1.  Sex helps to burn calories as well as health sleeping.

2.  Sex helps to improve cardiovascular health:  It was revealed recently that men who have sex often like twice a week have lesser risk of getting heart attack than those who have sex like twice a month.

3.  Sex increases and improves immunity:  Regular intercourse increases the release of antibodies and anti toxins in the body thereby making you less prone to illness and diseases.

4.  Reduction of stress: After being stressed out at work, one way to handle stress is through sex, it makes you happier.

5.  Sex relieves pain: Having headache is not an excuse not to perform in bed. Instead, have sex because it reduces pain and aches

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Three (3) sure ways to make money in 2017

One major problem in our society nowadays is "money" which also controls our society like a remote control.

Last year, people had various challenges regarding the issue of money 💰 but we are going to be discussing ten (10) major ways to make money in 2017. So, look for a seat, calm down and follow the lead.

1.  The first way is through website development:

          One of the sure ways by which people make cool money is by running a website. This method is cool and easy, it only requires your patience and hard work. If you don't know how to build a website, contact someone who knows how then start working on it. After getting your website, get your domain name and monetise it.
By monetising your website, you get paid when people visit your website. You can do this by signing up for Google Adsense. After your website has been approved, make sure you get more real traffic for your website, then just relax as your money grows.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Happy New Year

We are using this moment to wish all our fans and readers out there a happy new year and prosperous days ahead.

We want you guys to know that we love you and we always appreciate you as you read our posts. Please let's do well to continue the good work and God bless you all. Amen

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Three important facts about LOVE 😍

Most people think they know everything about love which is false. Now let’s say few things about the word “LOVE”.

People say love is blind because love doesn’t care if you are tall or short, young or old, rich or poor, dark or light or what so ever case it may be.

But let me tell you today, LOVE IS NOT BLIND. Love really sees. Saying ‘love is blind’ is like saying you yourself is blind. When people see a young girl falling in love with an elderly man or a rich girl falling in love with a poor guy, people say ‘love is blind’. But how do you know love is not blind?

Before a rich young girl fall in love with a poor guy, there is something she sees before the affection happens. It may be the behavior, the way he talks, his gifts, or any other thing; but she can’t just fall in love without seeing anything. So the love sees something, therefore it’s not blind.

“If you can’t have sex with me, then you don’t love me”, that’s what some guys say to convince their girlfriends to have sex with them.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

(Must Read) : Facts about pimples

Today we are going to be talking about a very popular and general skin condition common everywhere, PIMPLES. Let’s start by defining what we understand by the word “pimples”.
According to a mobile dictionary, “pimples (plural: pimples) are inflamed (raised and coloured) spot on the surface of the skin that is usually painful and fills with pus”.

This condition according to some people is called ACNE which according to a mobile English dictionary refers to “a skin condition, usually of the face, that is common in adolescents and is characterised by red pimples, and is caused by the inflammation of sebaceous glands through bacterial infection”.

Also, according to GOOGLE.COM, “pimples are inflammations of the skin in which the sebaceous glands (oil glands) become infected with bacterial, swell up and fill with pus and it usually occur on the face, neck, back and shoulders.”

                        CAUSES OF PIMPLES
I love this section where we talk about the causes of pimples.

Most people say pimples are caused by eating foods like groundnut, vegetable oil, butter, etc. which are partially true. I used the word “partially true” because they are not totally wrong. And as we move on, you will see the reason why they are not totally wrong

Friday, 16 December 2016

How to run Photoshop without serial key

Hello guys, it's me again, Samuel Glory and I'm going to be taking you on a simple trick to run adobe Photoshop on your PC without using a serial key.  This means that you will be using the trial version (which originally expires in 30 days)  forever without any worry.

Before taking this tutorial, I assume you already have adobe Photoshop set up on your system and if you don't, no problem, follow these steps to download it.

If you don't have the setup, search for it on Google and download it.

Install the setup normal but DON'T open the Photoshop application.

Now search for "Photoshop patch" or "Photoshop crack" on Google and download it. The file is not up to 1mb.

After downloading, install the patch or crack on your PC.

Run the patch or coach as an admin, when it's open, select "patch" and your Photoshop application will be patched.

After you have seen the success message, close it and open your Photoshop application. Your Photoshop will never ask for serial key again.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

How to change Android phone's IMEI without rooting

Hello guys. Today I'm going to be taking us on a tutorial on how to change a smartphone's IMEI without rooting using MTK ENGINERRING.
Here are the things you will need:
1. MTK Engineering app which you can download on play store.
2. IMEI Analyzer which you can also download on play store
3. A pen and a book. Now seat and relax as we go through the tutorial together. Remember, if you have any question or comment, drop your comments and questions in the comment box below the post. Now to the tutorial step by step.
This tutorial is for the general smart phones.

Let's say you want to change to an infinite phone's IMEI, search for the infiniti phones IMEI and write it down. This IMEI consist of 15 numbers.

Now, you will have to change either the last four or five digits.
After changing, make sure it's 15 all together. Now open your IMEI Analyzer which of downloaded and write the IMEI you changed there and click analyze. Do this continuously until it tells you you have a valid IMEI.



click on CDS information under connectivity
Now click on Radio Information

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