Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Must Read: Sex as a Covenant

Sexual intercourse has been ordained by God as a covenant between a man and a woman, but even still, youth of nowadays go into it as if it is a perfect market (economists would understand better).  But the thing is, sex has it's supernatural side.

But do you understand what covenant is?

A covenant is a pact or binding agreement between two parties. Also, it is an agreement to a deed or contract.
Now let's relate this to sex.

Sexual intercourse goes beyond fun and enjoyment. It is an act that brings people together in covenant. When a sexual intercourse happens between a man and a lady who is a virgin, blood is shed, which signifies a bond between the man and the virgin lady.
Normally and naturally, this bond is a bond of marriage which means the lady must marry the man.

But nowadays, virginity among ladies is like a loss of opportunities and waste of youthful pleasure. This is wrong.

Virginity serves as a pride for a lady. It command respect. It brings honor to the lady as a youth and even in the matrimonial home.

Now guys listen;

As a youth, when you have sex with a girl you know you are not going to marry, the following things happen:

1.  You two shares a bond
2.  Some part of you as a guy has been deposited in the girl in form of your semen
3.  No matter where you go, you are not totally complete unless you repent and meets with divine grace.

Now you see what I'm saying. Sex is designed for couples alone.

And you might say someone does that and made it in life, but also remember, "the level of our Grace are different from one another. What works for Mr A may not work for Mr B.

In conclusion, as a guy, reduce the rate at which you destroy lives of ladies and as a lady, reduce the way you sell yourselves to men.

This is not all, just a part. A word is enough for the wise.

Feel free to say your mind in the comment section below. Thanks...

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