Monday, 23 January 2017

Water as supporter of life

Water is a very useful component of our ecosystem. In physics, it's called water. Chemists call us H2O, water as well. In short, everyone knows water, everyone needs water to survive. Human beings cannot survive without water for too long unlike some animals.

For humans,
Without water, there can't be cooking, you go hungry.
Without water, there can't be bathing.
Without water, there can't be washing.

Without water, there can't be digestion.
Without water, dehydration occurs in us.
Without water, your Central Nervous System won't work well.
When there's no water, saliva formation in the mouth gets reduced.
Without water, there will be thirst.
When there's no water, there can't be reproduction.
Without water, no blood formation.

The fact is, without water, we can't survive, that's why some people die in desserts due to lack of water which in turn leads to dehydration.

Most animals share these features with humans. But still, done animals can survive for so long without water.

Take the snail for example, during dry season, the snail gets into its exoskeleton, deep I inside where it stays for do point, covering itself with a strong protective substance. The snail can do this for a very long time until it feels the presence of water.

Many more like that.

Do now we see how water is essential to life.

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